01 Contain

Sustainable Urbanization:
To ensure a more sustainable future for our planet, we must adopt new approaches to urbanization. This includes building compact, high-density cities that prioritize public transportation and minimize our environmental impact. We can use innovative solutions to make more efficient use of space and preserve natural areas. We also need to explore alternative options for urban living, such as researching the viability of underwater or other innovative types of cities, to reduce our impact on the environment. By embracing these sustainable urbanization practices, we can protect the planet and improve the well-being of our communities.

02 Decontaminate

Environmental Restoration:
To address the damage we have caused to our planet, it is essential that we take action to restore and protect the environment. This requires a comprehensive approach that includes initiatives such as reforestation, conservation of natural habitats, and returning land to its natural state. It is important that those who are the most financially privileged lead the way in supporting environmental restoration efforts, through investment in high-tech, closed-loop food production to create a sustainable future. We can also prioritize green spaces around cities and utilize advanced irrigation techniques to support the creation of a healthy and thriving ecosystem that sustains all forms of life

03 Transport

Space Exploration:
"Exploring outer space can be a profitable endeavor for humanity, as it provides opportunities to develop and harness new technologies, energy sources, and resources. By expanding our civilization beyond the confines of our planet, we can open up new markets and create innovative solutions to address pressing economic and environmental challenges. This includes colonizing other planets, and building sustainable cities that promote economic growth and development. By investing in space exploration and pushing the boundaries of our knowledge and capabilities, we can create a thriving galactic economy that benefits all of humanity."
Trying to understand WHY:

The following quote, from the movie The Matrix, highlights an important realization about humanity's relationship with the environment: 

"I'd like to share a revelation during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus." 

This observation serves as a reminder that, unlike other creatures on this planet, humans have not instinctively developed a sustainable relationship with our surroundings. Instead, we consume resources at an alarming rate and expand our territories relentlessly. If we hope to build a better future for ourselves and the planet, we must embrace a new way of thinking and living that is more in harmony with nature.

The quote from The Matrix is a sobering reminder of the human impact on the environment. While other animals have evolved to live in harmony with their surroundings, humans have done just the opposite. Our impact on the environment has been devastating, with rampant deforestation, pollution, and overconsumption of resources. The result is a planet that is suffering from the consequences of our actions, from climate change to the extinction of entire species.
One of the biggest problems is the sheer number of humans on the planet. As the quote notes, we move to an area and multiply until every natural resource is consumed. This is certainly true when it comes to our use of land. As we continue to expand and build more cities, we are encroaching on the natural habitats of other animals, destroying ecosystems and contributing to the decline of biodiversity. In addition, our population growth has led to increased consumption of resources, from water and energy to food and other natural resources.

Another issue is the way we consume resources. Humans have developed an insatiable desire for consumption, and this has led to unsustainable levels of resource depletion. We consume far more than the planet can replenish, leading to deforestation, overfishing, and other unsustainable practices. This consumption is also largely fueled by a reliance on fossil fuels, which are not only unsustainable but also contribute to climate change.
All of this has led to a situation where our planet is facing a crisis. Climate change is causing temperatures to rise, sea levels to rise, and extreme weather events to become more frequent. The decline of biodiversity means that we are losing entire ecosystems and the species that call them home. These problems are not only environmental, but also social and economic. The effects of climate change are already being felt by vulnerable communities, and the economic costs of inaction will be enormous.

Given all of this, it is clear that we need to take action. We cannot continue to consume resources at unsustainable levels, or to destroy the natural world for our own purposes. Instead, we need to work towards a more sustainable future, one that is focused on protecting the planet and ensuring that it can continue to support life. This means reducing our consumption, shifting towards renewable energy sources, and protecting natural habitats. It also means working 

Monetary solutions

The transition
Physical money
The new global currency must exist as a physical object (coin) giving access to everyone, that can be traded into cryptocurrency at an excange shop
Ethereum is today the best option, to be suitable for a green global agenda.
With modern surveillance, most or all products and their brands are traced both in the physical and virtual world. By incorporating this military technology into a future digital coin, a brands value can easily be reflected into a digital currency, and be part of the cryptocurrency creation process.
In progress

A new global financial structure
In order to save our planet, we must transition the economy from the physical world into the digital world, which involves trading fewer physical objects and more virtual ones. Our current monetary system was made for a world where transactions represented the exchange of physical goods. However, the world has changed with the development of the internet and online ecosystems, and today most transactions are not physical. Thus, the way we translate between "real money" (such as the US dollar) and the generation of live stream data is inadequate and outdated.

Currently, ads seem to be the only working channel for exchange between user data and a "real currency." However, this is not functional, and every individual has the right to own their data. Just like a person holds the copyright for their gameplay in a computer game, they should also own their data in the real world. This is not the reality of today, and it is unacceptable.

Therefore, EggQube proposes a new global financial structure with a private digital currency. This currency would merge physical and digitized money, cryptocurrency, ballots, and copyrights into one, global, and private digital currency.

The benefits of a global private digital currency are manifold. First, it would enable a much more efficient and streamlined financial system, with faster transactions and lower fees. Second, it would help to eliminate many of the problems associated with the current financial system, including issues with counterfeit money, inflation, and currency fluctuations. Third, it would provide more privacy for users, as transactions could be conducted anonymously.

However, the most important benefit of a global private digital currency is its ability to empower individuals to own and control their data. With current social media platforms, individuals are often forced to give up their rights to their data in order to use the platforms. This has led to many issues with data privacy and security, as well as problems with online censorship and bias. With a global private digital currency, individuals would have the ability to own and control their own data, and could use it as a form of currency in the digital world.

One way that this could work is through the use of copyrights. Every time an individual posts a picture, video, or other content online, they would have the ability to copyright that content and use it as a form of currency. For example, if a social media user wanted to download a picture that another user had posted, they would have to pay for it using the global private digital currency.

This would have several benefits. First, it would provide an incentive for individuals to create and share high-quality content. Second, it would help to eliminate the problems with online piracy and copyright infringement, as users would be required to pay for the content that they download. Third, it would provide a new source of revenue for individuals, especially those who are struggling to make ends meet in the current economy.

Of course, there would be challenges and obstacles to implementing a global private digital currency. Governments and financial institutions would likely resist the idea, as it would disrupt their current power structures and revenue streams. However, it is important to remember that the current monetary system is outdated and inadequate, and that a new system is necessary in order to support a growing digital economy.

In addition, the implementation of a global private digital currency would require a new set of laws and regulations, as well as a new infrastructure for processing and verifying transactions. However, these challenges are not insurmountable, and with the right approach and collaboration between governments, businesses, and individuals, a global private digital currency could become a reality.

In conclusion, a global private digital currency is an essential part of a new global financial structure that is needed to save our planet. By empowering individuals to own and control their data,
EggQube proposes the following initiatives:

1. Implementing a new global private digital currency that merges physical and digitized money, cryptocurrency, ballots, and copyrights into one efficient and streamlined currency.

2. Recognizing that future businesses will be run by intelligent computers, governments must adopt new tax policies that target businesses rather than individuals.

3. Establishing a basic citizen salary for every individual in order to provide financial security and enable everyone to fully participate in the economy.

Energy solutions

As a society, one of our most pressing needs is a reliable source of clean energy. With energy that is both abundant and stable, we can tackle some of the most pressing challenges of our time. From irrigating arid regions and creating indoor agriculture to computing vast amounts of data without contributing to pollution and powering ambitious space exploration initiatives, clean energy is the key to unlocking a better future for us all. It's time we prioritize the development and adoption of clean energy solutions, because without it, all other efforts will be ultimately unsustainable and insufficient.



Gas is often seen as a transitional fuel on the way to a more sustainable future. It is, however, important to note that gas is already a cleaner source of energy than oil and coal. Natural gas is a fossil fuel that releases less carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the atmosphere than other fossil fuels.



Nuclear power has long been a controversial topic, with concerns about safety and waste disposal. However, modern nuclear technology has come a long way and is now considered a relatively safe and reliable source of energy. Nuclear power plants emit no carbon dioxide, and the amount of waste produced is relatively small.



Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, waves, and hydropower offer a clean and sustainable solution to our energy needs. These sources of energy do not emit greenhouse gases, do not produce toxic waste, and are inexhaustible.


Earth Core

The Earth's core is a massive source of energy that has the potential to provide us with clean and sustainable power for centuries to come. By drilling deep into the Earth's crust, we can harness the heat energy produced by the planet's molten core and use it to generate electricity.

How to make it all happen

As our cities grow ever larger, it's time we rethink how we approach urban development. One possible solution is to build and develop dense city areas in larger metropoles, while simultaneously buying up land in the surrounding outskirts. By cleaning up and repurposing the outskirts, we can return these areas to their natural landscapes and create more sustainable living spaces. Additionally, we should work to move as many jobs as possible to these megacities, which can each feature their own unique designs, political structures, and rulesets. By fostering global trade and collaboration between these megacities, we can create a more interconnected and sustainable future for all.

Business - take a look into the horizon

If our civilization continues on its current path without making significant changes to our impact on the environment, businesses and industries may struggle to find customers in the future. To stay ahead of this trend, companies need to focus on creating real solutions and be a part of a sustainable future. Consider the emerging possibilities of a business-oriented metaverse, similar to Facebook's upcoming plans, where customers can actively participate in the creation of sustainable solutions. It's time to move beyond outdated ideas and embrace the bright future ahead. There's no limit to human potential, and by changing our thinking, we can create a more sustainable world for all.


A paradox
Building a sustainable future requires making conscious choices and embracing new values. It's a paradox that our current way of living threatens our very existence, while our progress in science and technology could be the key to saving us. We must prioritize the preservation of our planet and take action now to secure a healthy future for all life on Earth.

The Global Corporate Citizen

A fundamental change in the salary program is part of the solution. A regular citizen will receive salary  based upon their production performance, not their age or seniority. As of today, people must be expelled due to high wages compared to their production capacity. On other words, some people may be slower, but that does not mean they don't have anything to bring to the table. They may have experience and know-how about how the machinery runs. Citizens with a few years left in the labor market should not receive any salary higher than a new employee fresh from school. By implementing a Universal Salary Program, we can create a more just and equal society, where all individuals are valued and compensated based on their contributions. The Universal Basic income is the foundation, that's provided to everyone to afford survival.
Legalization of Marijuana.

In this transition towards the new world, continous legalization of marijuana is an important step to prevent unnessesary unrest and civil uproaring. To fully reach the potential of Artificial intelligence and its implementaion into society, Marijuana, affordable with Universal Basic Income, is percived as one of the elements that will be a natural substiute to daily jobs.

Building a stable future with robotic innovation

Robots and automation have changed the manufacturing industry forever. However, the negative side-effects of this technology are becoming more apparent, such as job losses and environmental issues. We need to start thinking about how to reframe and rebuild the manufacturing industry with a focus on sustainable technology and ethical practices. This means developing and implementing new technologies that prioritize environmental responsibility and human rights, and supporting education and training programs that help workers transition to these new jobs. We must also ensure that all workers, regardless of age, gender, or background, have access to fair and livable wages and benefits. By prioritizing sustainable and ethical practices in the manufacturing industry, we can create a stable future that benefits b oth people and the planet.

Policy change

Business doesn't judge what's right or wrong, business gets the necessary job done. Problem is time:
The longer we wait taking action, the more unethical options will likely be.



While war may be the quickest solution to global conflicts, it is also the most devastating. The use of nuclear weapons, in particular, could lead to catastrophic and long-lasting consequences for humanity and the planet.



Failing to take action on climate change and overpopulation could lead to a future that is unsustainable for humanity. We must take action now to ensure a livable future for ourselves and future generations.



Managing population growth is a key step in mitigating the negative impacts of climate change and ensuring a sustainable future for the planet. Policies that encourage smaller family sizes and greater access to contraception could help to address this issue.



A society that prioritizes economic stability, equal safety, and predictability can help ensure a controllable and manageable population size.
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